Originally from Bonnie Scotland, I've lived in the US for 14 years. Some say I've lost my accent, while others hear me and enjoy a rather obnoxious attempt to sound like Brave Heart.

I live with my amazing wife, Beth, my beautiful daughter, McKenzie and my Border Collie, Cooper.


I grew up in a small town called Peebles, in Scotland. It's the kind of town where “your business is everyone’s business”. I loved it, I miss it every day, but my dreams always exceeded the towns limits.

I have always had an active and athletic background, but despite holding my own and grasping most sports and hobbies with relative ease, I grew up feeling overweight, unhappy with my body and would prefer to be a wallflower than anywhere near the center of attention. I carried an extra layer of fat, that I just couldn't lose no matter how many hours I ran around and played sports.

 It’s no surprise really, that is, that I couldn’t drop the fat. Looking back, the information I was given and the people I trusted to help me were just not educated themselves about the physiology of fat loss and the Laws of Thermodynamics. Fitness and running were rammed down my throat as the answer to my lack of fitness and excess weight. Nobody ever mentioned anything about nutrition, energy input versus output, or hydration, or sleep or stress. And, my focus on losing weight seemed to only make the situation worse, all while slamming coca cola, cookies and high calorie, low density junk food down the hatch. Do another run, David…

An avid football player (also known as Soccer; I just don't understand why throwing something egg shaped gets the name "football"), golfer and fly fisherman, in my free time I spend a lot of my time outdoors staying active.

I live my passion everyday, helping others to overcome obstacles related to health, fitness and change.

There’s a lot more to my story and my “why”, but I’ll share that when I start coaching you. So, hit the “request a consultation” above and we’ll chat soon!
